4459: Biger or smaller or Same?

内存限制:128 MB 时间限制:1 S 标准输入输出
题目类型:传统 评测方式:Special Judge 上传者:
提交:54 通过:20


Enter two real numbers, and determine whether the first number is larger, and the second number is larger or the same. The format of each number is:
        [integer part].[fractional part]
For simplicity, both the integer part and the fractional part are guaranteed to be non-null, and the integer part will not have leading zeros. However, the fractional part can have a 0 at the end, so 0.0 and 0.000 are the same size.


The input contains no more than 20 sets of data. Each set of data contains one row with two real numbers (formatted as described above). Each real number contains no more than 100 characters.


For each set of data, if the first number is large, output "Bigger". If the first number is small, output "Smaller". If the two numbers are the same, output "Same".

输入样例 复制

0.0 0.000
1.0 2.0
0.00001 0.00000

输出样例 复制

Case 1: Same
Case 2: Smaller
Case 3: Bigger